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Case Study

Kajima, Sheffield, Northern General Hospital

  • Client Kajima
  • Location Sheffield
  • Medical
The Problem

The Hadfield Wing at Sheffield Northern General Hospital was built in 2006 by Kajima Construction Europe under a PFI agreement. The wing hosts 168 beds over a total area of 12,000m2. In 2019 works to improve the fire performance of the building were commissioned that required SOLJET's expertise to complete various works packages.

The Solution

SOLJET’s site team were required to initially carry out a complete Site Survey of all ducting works to understand the required remedial actions on the Hadfield Wing system.

As well as completing the subsequent remedial works and upgrades on all ducting systems and dampers SOLJET also completed remedial works on fire alarms, electrical fire safety systems, wall repairs, ceiling installations as well as newly installed walls, ceilings and box work around essential hospital services.

In March 2020 the works programme was accelerate due to the COVID19 pandemic and SOLJET were required to work safely with an increased site presence to ensure that beds and wards were available to patients if required by Sheffield Hospitals as a consequenmce of the outbreak in the UK.

We ensure our clients receive the best solutions to their construction needs by offering the latest methods, ideas and products through our innovative project delivery.

Morgan Sindall
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