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Case Study

Integral, Washwood Heath, CDC & UCC Upgrade

  • Client Integral
  • Location Washwood Heath
  • Medical

SOLJET were appointed by Integral to convert parts of the Washwood Heath Community Diagnostic Centre into Diagnostic & Urgent Care facilities.

The works were procured under JCT Design & Build contract conditions and involved the reconfiguration of two discrete parts of the ground floor of the existing building which was built under the BaS LIFT procurement initiative.

During the works defects were uncovered in the base build construction which led to extensive remediation to fire resistant elements of construction including deflection heads, extensive PFP works to service penetrations and fire door remediation.

The works were carried out in an occupied building and were succesfully delivered on time with minor snagging issues. The delivery of this succesful project is leading to another phase of development on the first floor of the facility to accomodate a mental healthcare facility due to start in summer 2023.

We ensure our clients receive the best solutions to their construction needs by offering the latest methods, ideas and products through our innovative project delivery.

Morgan Sindall
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